Posted On September 22nd, 2014 by Candice PantinThere are some people that are simply called Creatives. Andy Long Hoang, or also known as Aaaandy, is one of them. Photographer, graphic illustrator, and also designer, his work is bar none artistically boundless.
Last Friday, Andy presented his WRKDEPT SS15 collection featuring pretty looking boys wearing rad looking garbs. The 90s rave scene was a point of reference with elephant fit denim pants, cheeky slogans sported on aprons and Tees like “Love Money Party” and “Fading”, and oversized boxed toppers. The models eyes were rimmed with a copper glow, cheekbones chiseled, and hair slicked- hence the aforementioned beauty reference to pretty!
Set in a white-walls St-Henri space called L’Ambassadée which is an agency that reps and promotes emerging brands for an international market, we’re thinking that the match is fitting since WRKDEPT’s appeal is universal to the young, hip, and cool crowd.
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